

Overhead view of large urban skyline at sunset

Management Team

Jifan Gao headshot

Jifan Gao

Chairman, General Manager

Mr. Jifan Gao, Chairman and General Manager of Trina Solar, founded the company in 1997. He now serves as a member of the standing committee of China National Democratic Construction Association, a member of the Standing Committee of Jiangsu Provincial Political Consultative Conference, Chairman of China Photovoltaic Industry Association, Vice Chairman of China Energy Internet Alliance, and co-Chairman of Global Solar Council. He is also a founding member of the Private Sector Advisory Board for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Gao received his bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Nanjing University and his master’s degree in physical chemistry from Jilin University.

Bo Cao headshot

Bo Cao

Executive Vice President, SMBG President and Qinghai Base President

Mr. Bo Cao is a veteran of the PV industry with extensive and fruitful experience in manufacturing, products, supply chain, sales, and operations management. He joined Trina Solar in June 2020, before joining Trina Solar, he served as Vice President of JA Solar. He received his MBA from Nankai University.

Jiqing Gao headshot

Jiqing Gao

Deputy General Manager

Mr. Jiqing Gao joined Trina Solar in 1997 as one of its co-founders. He served as Production Manager, Technical Quality Manager, Head of R&D department, Technical Director, Vice President of project (capacity) expansion, Vice President of system division, and Head of system division in China.

尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!

David You

President of International System Business Unit 

Mr. You Hongming joined Trina Solar as President of the International System Business Unit in January 2016. Prior to this, he served several well-known multinational companies and China state-owned enterprises, such as Shanghai Aerospace Automobiles Electromechanical Co. Ltd., SAES Group of America and MW Zander of Germany.

尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!

?lvaro García-Maltrás

Vice Presidente da Trina Solar na América Latina e Caribe.

?lvaro García-Maltrás tem mais de 15 anos de experiência no mercado de energias renováveis. Sempre trabalhando como Diretor de Departamentos Comerciais em empresas multinacionais com presen?a na América, Europa, ?frica e ?sia.

Sua trajetória no campo de energias renováveis come?ou em 2004. E já em 2007, entrou para o Time da Trina Solar onde come?ou liderando as estratégias comerciais do sul da Europa e da ?frica. Atualmente é responsável pelo mercado da América Latina e do Caribe, somando mais de 40GW distribuídos em mais de 103 países.
